Monday, March 31, 2008

Miss Elizabeth

One day Ellie and I were looking out the window talking about what we saw. There were probably 50 robins in the yard. Ellie got pretty excited and said, "Look at all the chickens, daddy!"

Yesterday morning, while teetering at the top of the steps with her arms full of stuffed animals: "I'm taking all my aminals to church." We got her to say "aminals" a few more times until she realized we were making fun of her. Then, whenever we'd try to get her to say it, she'd say, "no, I don't want to say that."

Yesterday afternoon, after taking a bite out of a cutout cookie shaped like a duck: "I ate his nose right off! . . . 'Quack, Quack. I want my nose back!'"

She also loves matching clothes, now, especially anytime she gets to wear all pink. She's pretty good at picking out stuff that matches, too. Better than me, anyway. Whenever she's in an outfit that matches she says, "I'm all matched up." Whenever she and someone else are wearing the same color she says, "We match together!" The happiest time in her recent memory is the day she got to wear a red dress because that's the same color dress her bunny has.

But wait, there's more (I completely forgot about this yesterday). I took Ellie and Walker for a walk in our woods last week and she kept calling it the forest. I wondered why until I realized she was holding onto my had for dear life and wouldn't let go. She thought she was in the "spooky forest" from Dora the Explorer and she was a little scared. She also told me twice that she heard crocodiles, which are native to Dora's spooky forest. We looked for them but came up empty.

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