Thursday, September 30, 2010

They're random thoughts, dot dot dot

Anderson said "yellow eggs" today instead of "lellow keggs" - finally. Though it is kind of a bummer that he's dropping a lot of the cute baby talk now. He does still say, "Who are these's?" instead of "Whose are these?", though.

Ellie's been saying "kind of like" a lot lately. "I kind of like am hungry, so . . ." "I kind of like don't really have any clean shorts, so . . . " Maybe we should kind of like start feeding and clothing our children.

Walker multiplied 7x7 in his head today, then he sat down and started doing his 3+5 homework and missed one. I think he likes the challenging stuff but doesn't pay any attention to the mundane. We have on our list to ask his teacher if he's listening during our conference next week. Ten bucks says I'll ask, she'll answer, and I'll immediately forget what she said.

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