Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Did you know you can get internet in your home now? IN YOUR HOME?!

That's right, we are now proud members of the 20th century. Now that we can blog from home, you can expect at least 3 more posts per year, guaranteed.

Let's see, what's been happening lately . . .
Walker's been playing soccer and flag football, just started choir, and is enjoying 1st grade. He fell and hit his head on a rock last weekend and it bled a lot (the head, not the rock) but he's fine. Dr. Miller was there with us when it happened so he kept him laying down for a while till the bleeding kind of stopped. While he was laying there, Walker said, "I guess I could play for Northwest or Canton South." Andy and I looked at each other seriously for a minute, both thinking 'concussion' but then Walker said, "You know, 'cause they're red." He was just referring to all the blood on his head and arm. We knew he was OK then, and tougher than I thought (and I already knew he was pretty tough).

Ellie's playing soccer, singing in the choir, and having fun in preschool. I know we've mentioned this before but she's super artsy. Loves coloring and drawing. She can draw me under the table anytime. Sometimes she also draws me sitting in a chair or standing in the yard. She told me last night that she wants to be an artist or a "house drawer" (architect) when she grows up. Then she paused and said, "Dad, do we get to choose?" I told her of course and that she gets to be anything she wants to be and then she just smiled her big smile and hugged me. Very precious moment.

Anderson: Dad, how does God make banana pancakes?
Me, when Carla walked in a couple minutes later: Anderson, tell mom what you asked me about God.
Anderson: I don't WANT to talk about God!

Anderson, later that weekend: I don't want to go to church.
Me: Well we have to buddy.
Anderson: Why?
Me: Because we love Jesus.
Anderson: I don't WANT to love Jesus!

Also he wants a bike and an orange gun for his birthday. Yikes. He's cute, though.

Caroline can stand up for a few seconds now if you give her something to hold in her hands to distract her. We think she might be able to say Mama and Dada but we're not sure because it's pretty inconsistent. The only thing she says with any consistency is "uh" when she drops something. It means 'uh-oh' but she doesn't say the whole thing yet. Lazy.

Speaking of Caroline, she's upstairs crying right now so I better go get her out of the crib.

And yes, I do know it's the 21st century.

1 comment:

Jen said...

glad to see that you have technology at your house now :)