Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Gross Just Keeps Coming

So here's one thing you never want to hear come out of the mouth of your 3 year old (from the bathroom):

"Mo-om. . . I just got my pants wet with a toot."  Gross!

On a lighter note, Caroline is saying more and more each day.  A few days ago, Anderson was happy about his chocolate chip waffles for breakfast and shouted an excited "BooYah!"  Caroline quickly followed with a "BooBah."  She also moo's and ruff's like a cow and dog, says "up, up, up, up" when you're trying to cook dinner (or any other activity that requires both hands), points to various body parts when named, LOVES to color in her high chair, and requests specific books at bedtime - depending on her mood the choices are Brown Bear, Clifford Goes Skating, Clifford's Bedtime, Blessing Everywhere, Where is Baby's Belly Button, Where is the Duck.  I just love that she has her own little personality and exerting her independence more every day.

Signing off for now with the greatest pictures of all time . . . Gracie giving THE LOOK!

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