Monday, November 3, 2008

The daddy weekend

I had the kids alone all weekend while Carla went on a much-deserved trip to Amland to scrap book with some of friends (because, if you're going to scrap book, you better drive 50 miles and get a hotel room . . .). Some of the highlights were:

  • Ellie crying for mommy at lunch on Saturday because I yelled at her for acting like she was going to punch me for yelling at her for not eating her food.
  • Ellie crying for mommy before bed time because she couldn't find her purple care-bear
  • Walker crying before bed time because Ellie was crying
  • Getting up at 5:30 Sunday morning to make it to church by 2 till 9 only to find out that I should have been there at 8:45 because I had baby-sitting duty. (Next time I'll listen to Walker when he tells me he can't wait for me to be his teacher in sunday school, even if I had no idea I was supposed to).
  • Anderson crying for 1/2 hour after he woke up from his nap after church because, well, he's a baby and that's what they do, I guess. Except for when Mommy's home.
But actually, we all had a lot of fun. It was a nice weekend so we spent a lot of time on the trampoline and swing set (even Anderson - he loves the trampoline). We also watched a lot of football and Ellie and I made a (real) pizza together. I let her do everything from mixing the dough to helping spread it on the pan to putting sauce, cheese, etc. on it. She smashed the pepperoni down into the dough really hard and got sauce everywhere but she had fun. Then she refused to eat it at lunch and ended up crying (see above). Oh well.

Ellie and I also had a breakfast date on Sunday morning. I said that, on a breakfast date, we're supposed to eat cereal and talk about politics, so I asked her who she liked better, Barack Obama or John McCain.
Ellie: Barack Obama. I like Walker's team.

Also, thanks very much to the parents and in-laws for watching the kids a little so I could meet Carla for dinner on Sat. night and clean the house on Sunday afternoon.

Me, in sunday school because we were playing number games: What's 6 plus 2?
A nameless kid in the class: Nine!
Walker: No, It's 8! I know football scores. A touchdown and a two-point conversion.

Same nameless kid: [My name] rhymes with [something that's kind of close but doesn't actually rhyme]
Walker, to the kid: You don't know anything.
We had a talk about that one.

From a few weeks ago:
Ellie, from the kitchen: Daddy, I spilled my water!
Me: Do you need new clothes?
Ellie: Well, my pants are a little bit spilly.

Carla asked Ellie what she wanted to drink one morning and Ellie told her apple juice. Carla then finished up getting the food ready and asked Ellie again because she didn't hear her the first time or forgot.
Carla: What did you say you wanted to drink?
Ellie: Apple juice! How many times do I have to say you?


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kurt! It was much deserved, but it wasn't the WHOLE weekend. It was actually less than 30 hours (All day Sat. & part of the day Sun). It was a lot of fun, but I was definitely ready to come home on Sun. I suppose I owe you a hunting trip now . . . Carla

Anonymous said...

And you can bet that hunting trip will begin at 5:00pm Friday and end on Monday morning! It's good for Daddys to visit Mommy-land every once in a while. Love, Auntie Ann (Warnock)