Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just a typical Saturday

We had bagels for breakfast yesterday and Carla asked Anderson to take Ellie's plate over to her.  He, of course, didn't hold it steady and one fell off.  He said, "Sorry I dropped your goggle, Ellie."

Then, I took Walker and Ellie to Walker's basketball clinic, while Carla took the younger two to Caroline's first ever haircut.  While we were at Walker's basketball clinic, I asked El if she was going to play basketball when she was old enough.  Her response:  "Well, Dad, I'm not, like, really . . . into throwing things."  While the others were at Caroline's haircut, Anderson spun a barber chair in circles, chased it, yelled, "Get back here you stinkin' chair!", and cracked up at himself.

Then Carla took her 2 to the grocery market, the Y, then for a "washdown" (Anderson's term for a car wash), and I took the older 2 to Walmart, Green Farms, and a washdown.

Then, we came home for lunch, dropped the younger 2 off and took the older 2 ice skating.  As soon as Walker hit the ice, he started trying to sprint, which made him look like a cartoon cat trying to run away from a stack of acme TNT.  The only place he could was down.  Ellie was much more tentative, which means she was able to move a little more on the ice.  I kept telling Walker, "Lazy feet, walker, lazy feet."  It took him a solid hour to get what we were saying.  Carla mainly pushed a kid around the rink while I, not being able to bend over that far and keep my own balance, just held a kid's hand and provided soft landings for them.  By the time we were finishing up, Ellie was getting around pretty well by herself, no hand, no wall.  Walker was doing much much better, but still a little unstable.  He made the most progress, but Ellie's the better skater as of now.  She'll get better still, though, b/c we signed her up for ice skating lessons.  That, to my knowledge, does not involve throwing things.

Then, we went to Brown Bag Burger for supper (at about 3:45) and to Dick's for a new glove, spikes, and bat for Walker.  We got home around 6 and left again at about 7:30 to drop off Caroline at my mom and dad's and took the other 3 to Carla's aunt's for a surprise birthday party for her other aunt.  Someone had made a marshmallow-whipped cream-pudding-fruit mishmash.  When I grimaced when I saw it, Carla's aunt said, "What's the matter, you don't like pineapple?"


Jen said...

Ice skating lessons sound like fun!

Kurt and Carla said...

She's excited. She chose that over gymnastics. It was a tough choice, but she's been asking ever since we went to princesses on ice!