Tuesday, April 28, 2009

18 days and 3 flus later . . .

We're back. Ellie, Anderson, then Walker (again, although very mild) have all had the flu since our last post. Fortunately, none of them were of the avian, swine, or super type.

Ellie says you have to be careful with nail polish remover because "it has mosquitoes in it." She meant chemicals.

Anderson says really short sentences now like, "Cookie bye-bye", which means he doesn't want a cookie, "More ball . . . happy", which means he wants the ball back because he's having fun, and "Hi, Turtle", which means "Hi, Turtle."

Walker says things like "I heard it's supposed to rain today, by the way" which basically just means that he's getting a little too old to accidentally say funny things.

Congratulations to Tim and Jen - the latest from Sunday School to add to the future nursery overcrowding problem. Welcome baby Silas.

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