Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Dreams Are Made Of . . .

The other day, W & E were playing when E accidentally made W slip and fall. He was trying to shake it off, but I could tell he really hurt something. The conversation went a little something like this.

C - You gonna live?
W - Yeah. (slightly wincing)
C - That's good!
W - (in one big breath)Yeah, that IS good 'cuz I'm not married yet & I wanna get married when I get big. What happens when a person falls and dies if they're not married?
C - (totally trying not to laugh yet think of a satisfying "Walker answer" all at the same time) They just never get married, buddy.
W - (without skipping a beat) Well, Jesus could make them come alive again . . . . (thinking briefly) . . . or the girl could just marry another boy. ( I guess he was assuming that it was the boy who died.)

SERIOUSLY, what almost-five-year-old is looking forward to marriage? Shouldn't five-year-olds be thinking about sports, junk food, TV, toys and all the other stuff kids enjoy? I guess I'm glad that Walker has starting planning for his future at such a young age. During our next conversation, he'll probably tell me he's invested in a great mutual fund! He never ceases to amaze me.

P.S. I had to change the size & color so you would know it was me posting. I think this is only the 2nd or 3rd time I've ever posted. I usually make Kurt retell the stories because he can add his wittiness, but this time, I couldn't resist!

P.P.S Kurt told me to give you a hint regarding the above candy riddle. It's chocolate, so start guessing.

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