Thursday, August 7, 2008

There can be miracles

I tried all week to get a chance to post pics but it didn't happen. Here's a couple sayings to get us through the weekend, then pics next week. Lots. I promise.

Carla and Ellie playing grocery store:
Carla: How much does this cost?
Ellie: Umm, three much.
That's one more than too much, I guess.

Walker and I played us a mean game of baseball the other day. Afterwords . . .
Walker: Daddy, my team's name is the Utah Fireworks.
Kurt: Oh, OK, then I'm the San Diego Destroyers.
W: Where's San Diego?
K: In California
W: Hey! That means we're close to each other.
K (amazed at my 4 yr old's geographical aptitude): Wow, yeah, you're right.
W: If Nevada wasn't in the states, we'd be beside each other.

Walker: Daddy, it's a miracle when Anderson eats or drinks his milk or whatever you call it and when he sleeps.
Kurt, finally thinking I'm going to be able to teach my son something: Well, it's not really a miracle when he eats or sleeps because a miracle is something we can't do by ourselves, only with God's help.
Walker: No, it's a miracle when he eats and sleeps.
Kurt: Oh, yeah, I guess so, because that's something we can't do but God helps babies do it.
Walker: Yeah, because we drink from a cup and Anderson drinks from Mommy's belly things.

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