Tuesday, June 17, 2008

She also does a great rendition of "Don't Speak"

We were watching American Gladiators last night because it's Walker's favorite horrible show and it was time for Ellie to go to the bathroom. She didn't want to because she didn't want to miss the action so Carla told her to run super fast, just like a Gladiator. Ellie's response, "I'm not a galadiator. I'm just a girl." By the way, aside from wearing a diaper to bed, she's pretty much potty trained. Just the very occasional accident but, hey, that happens to all of us . . . right?

Walker: Mom, come quick! Anderson has some WICKED spit up!

Carla, to Walker and Ellie: Wow, you guys are done cleaning up already?
Ellie: We used the teamwork.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our Massachusettes kin would be so proud of the WICKED adjective! This kid is multi-lingual! WOW Auntie Ann