Saturday, February 25, 2012

Snack Scrapple Pop

That's what Ellie thought Rice Crispies say.

Let's see, some stuff about Caroline.
Yesterday she came down in the morning, asked for a juice box, drank it all, then laid face-down on the kitchen floor and fell back to sleep.
She says "sanks" for thanks, "Humpty Humpty" for Humpty Dumpty, "pecause" for because and she likes to eat "ponatoes".
She doesn't like her build-a-bear bunny, Lilly, because it bit her on the leg once, but she loves Dora, Boots and carbohydrates.
Today she was sitting at the table saying, "punch, punch, punch!"  When I asked her what she was doing, she said "I punched my fruit snack."
She's excited about potty training and has been pretty successful so far.
She can still fit in the little cupboard on the bottom of our clock with the door shut.

Walker got his cast off on Thursday.  He's supposed to wear a splint for a while but he's back to normal other than that.

Anderson's been getting in trouble a lot at preschool lately, nothing too major, mostly from playing too rough.

If each team would have added a field goal, I would have hit my Super Bowl prediction dead on and would have made $0.

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