Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Loves

Things I love about my kids . . .
-the way he twirls his hair when he sleeps
-when he climbs up on my lap and twirls my hair when we snuggle
- his generosity - he will share absolutely anything if he knows it will make them happy, even if it's last m&m, only quarter, or favorite toy
-his wild and crazy imagination

-the cute way she looks at me when she's about to do something naughty
-when she says she doesn't want to go to bed, then practically leaps out of my arms into her crib with her favorite blankies and snuggies
-when she asks me if I can "up her"
-her love of books

-his internal alarm clock - he's an early bird just like his mom and dad :)
-the sweet-big-brother-way he snuggles with Caroline and reads book to her and the way he tells Anderson how proud he is that he had a good day at preschool or made good choices in Sunday School
-his crazy sarcastic sense of humor and playfulness
-his competitive nature
-his maturity level when it comes to being sensible and realistic

-her exquisite sense of style
-the way she thinks of others and their feelings
-her mad organizational skills
-her gift for music and singing - I'm glad someone in our family got it ;)

There are so many more.  These are just the few I could think of in the last few minutes.  Kurt and I are so blessed by all 4 of them!

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