Saturday, December 6, 2008

Uh oh, they're getting smart

Ellie: Daddy, why do toothpicks get food out of your teeth? Because God made the world?

She finally figured out the shortcut to my ultimate answer to every kid question. I usually try to explain things but after a half dozen "why"s, I always end up back at "because god made the world." Good job, miss Jane.

Me: Hey Walker, if you get 4 cookies and Ellie gets 4 cookies and i get 4 cookies, how many is that total?
Walker, less than 2 seconds later: 12

Anderson added Truck and Ball to his vocabulary. Also, next time you're holding him, chew some gum. He loves watching people blow bubbles and he'll even pucker his lips and stick out his tongue when he wants you to do it. Very cute.


1 comment:

Dale and Gail said...

Why does blowing bubbles entertain cute babies? Because God made the world!